I drive home tomorrow. 6 hours straight north. The Payne's shall gather and it shall be great. We are all excited. The eye people wouldn't let me off work early so most of the driving will be done in the dark. At the Christmas party last night (fyi: the elbow tickler came with me) they told us what great employees we are. Well, I'm sure I'll be a great employee with a moose antler in my thorax. Don't think I'll be able to check VA OU (doctor terms for "visual acuity, both eyes") very well after all the internal bleeding...what am I talking about, external bleeding.
Enough complaining. I am starting to wonder if at work we just like to complain, or if there really is legit stuff to complain about. Do you ever wonder that about your job/life? I found it as a great shock starting a job with a good company and then hearing everyone complain ALL the time. Now I complain too and I feel kind of guilty about it sometimes, but not at all times. I may have reason (that sounds better in french: j'ai la raison) so I don't think I am going to stop just yet. I am going to pay closer attention to what happens at work and how "it" all works so that I can form a somewhat educated opinion and decide if all this complaining really has "la raison". I think that will be a goal for the new year.
Another resolution for the new year is to do more member missionary work. I just got back from a convert baptism of a young man named Scott. It was such a nice experience to see a baptism right before Christmas. As I was driving up to the church I felt like I was playing "hot and cold". The Spirit got progressively stronger as I reached the building. It was neat. It reminded me of my mission. Those elders were just beaming. As one of them recited JSH 1:16 I followed along in my head in Thai. It was nice.
On my mission though, I wasn't this cute:

That's me and Jacquie at the Christmas party. I loved my mission though and wouldn't trade it for anything.... even for a date with the elbow tickler.
Merry Christmas everyone. Now- go pack!
0 woot-woots!:
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