19 March 2007


I know, it's been so long! I'm sorry. Sometimes I just feel so inadequate when it comes to whitty writing. My sisters and friends are so funny and I am just not. That's okay though, because I am cute.

The reason why I have not posted in so long is because the blessed "enter" key has fallen off my comptuer. This happened a long time ago. At first I could just push on the rubbery thing and it was okay. Then my wonderful Brother-In-Law who can fix everything fixed it... and it fell off. So I talked to the Dell people at the mall by my house and they said for a problem such as mine I would have to send the computer in, yes send it IN, to get it fixed. LAME. Well, I decided to boycott that idea and now I realize it wasn't as hot of a move as I first thought it was. The little rubber piece (that makes me feel indecent everytime I press it) is fighting back and makes me push it harder and harder to acutally advance a space in my writing or get to perezhilton.com. My fingers that are already dried out from all the alcohol swabs we use at work do not like to push enter anymore. And as much as I love mice, the point and doulbe click just doesn't cut it for all my comptuer needs. You try it! Only point and doulbe click...see how far you get. That's what I thought.

I hope you all enjoyed that space because it took me 35 seconds of hard pressing. So this past weekend my choir prefromed both Saturday and Sunday. It was amazing. We sounded so good!!!! I cannot even tell you all how much I love being part of institute choir. We have about 70-80 members in the choir and everyone is super talented (well, I'm not beacuse my family laughed at me for wanting to be an opera singer when I was 6, but when you sing with others that are really good it doesn't really matter). Institue Choir is about as close as I can get to grade 12 band class. It is the best feeling ever to put on a good show and to know that everyone loved it.

Ouch. Okay, I will be better with blogging. I have some fun activities planned for this week and then hello!!! this weekend I'm heading down to Utah to see me some Mormons!!! I cannot wait. I'll keep you all updated.

1 woot-woots!:

Betina said...

Holy cow, Poo! Talk to this guy and get hooked up! How random that he found your blog. Aren't blogs great!