Spring is finally here. The snow is nearly gone (just ice on the river now) and I can run outside with the Canadian Geese...although I feel quite nervous around them. Those beaks can be vicious. And these geese are all over the place. I know all you people south of the border had the whole "spring" realization months ago, but here in the great white we are a little behind on the seasons.
One great thing about spring is the YSA turnover. There are so many people going in and out it keeps my mind so so far away from he-who-shall-not-be-named. Serious, I barely remember his name ;)
Another great thing about spring is employee turnover. We have interesting people coming to work at the eye place and bunny has the most interesting people coming to work at the planet. Bunny wins though as the planet attracts far more interesting people than the eye place does. She gets to work with people who believe she can will her illness away and with people who really should be under house arrest for serious mental illness...somehow they just got out for spring.
About the only thing I don't like about spring is the rotten smell of rotting leaves from last winter because people were too lazy to rake them up. When I am a home owner (when/if...same thing) I will always rake my leaves.
I love this time of year. Going for walks, reading books on the lawn, fun dates, running outside, making cookies (well, you can do that any season)......
1 woot-woots!:
Ever since you started facebook you have no time to blog! Come back come back to the blog world!
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