24 May 2007


Just some random thoughts...

Is it just me, or do you think that people from high school never change? So does that me that I haven't changed? There is this one girl, let's just call her "S" to be safe, from high school, who seems to be timeless. I can honestly say that I have not seen her since graduation day back in 2000, but through facebook I get to look at her pictures whenever I want to. Obviously, she did not put me on the limited access list. Her grad dress was this beautiful white thing with all these pretty strappy straps all over. She had little jewels in her hair (which was perfectly coiffed), a beautiful tan, and sparkly lips. 7 years later she paints the internet picture of being the exact same girl, just with longer hair. I am amazed at how timeless she has remained. I am amazed that she was able to carry out her movie star lifestyle so far. Perhaps I am envious or maybe I'm not...I still can't decide...I am just impressed. How do these people do it....

Next, I am realizing that as a single person there are just things that I am not going to experience yet. Like gardening and making things grow. My sisters do it (well, the SAHMs), my married friends do it, but I don't. I don't know the first thing about it and am rather happy just buying carrots at the store. It works. So if I ever move to the status of "married" will all this just come automatically? Will I just have a burning desire to garden and do stuff like that? I'm not sure. The only think I can make grow is mold on my bread that didn't get eaten because, ya, there is only one person eating that bread. I should start a mold growing class.

And last but not least, I love to make cookies. Just thought I would share.

I'm going to check fb now. ttyl.

4 woot-woots!:

Danielle said...

Could this girls' name possibly be Sara? i think people such as her don't have any real substance. I'm not saying that she's not nice or that she's stupid but, maybe she doesn't have any real depth to her. I got to go to Japan because she decided that it was more important to go with her family to Hawaii! Japan is something I'll never forget and i am grateful she made that decision but really how sad i know Hawaii is beautiful as eve wants me to get married there but i think people like her value different things and there's nothing wrong with that, to each their own, but i think that is how people separate them selves as friends and as well people you know. sure we maybe jealous of the "beautiful" people but are we really missing out on anything..i love the friends that i have..there may not be alot of them but thats ok. Poopie you are very beautiful and i have never seen you as anything less!

Eve said...

I have absolutely no desire to grow anything. I cant even keep a house plant alive, nevermind trying to grow vegetables from a puny seed.

Married life is what you make it. FOr me i get to travel more, have more disposable income (thus providing me a means to go to hairschool), and a best friend to hang out and go on cool vacations with. IT really is fantastic!

Betina said...

Being married does not equate with wanting to garden. I have started because in the past few years I have realized that beautiful things make me happy, so why not try to make my yard a beautiful place? I think it is just a matter of wanting to learn more about life. Also Dad and Mom always gardened with us when we were little.

For the record, I have never had a houseplant do well.

Betina said...

Being married does not equate with wanting to garden. I have started because in the past few years I have realized that beautiful things make me happy, so why not try to make my yard a beautiful place? I think it is just a matter of wanting to learn more about life. Also Dad and Mom always gardened with us when we were little.

For the record, I have never had a houseplant do well.