One thing I love about Calgary is all the incredibly delish Vietnamese Noodles Houses. Praise be unto them forever, amen. My favorite one right now is Vietnam Palace Grill & Noodle House. I know that other cities have these noodle houses as well, but I like to pretend that they only exist in Calgary and Thailand, but in Thailand they are Thai Quitdeaw Noodle Shacks that are really on the side of the road collecting pollution in the broth to make the soup extra delish and the soup is garnished with a steamed and very edible chicken foot. I also like extra long run-on sentences.

Mention must also be given to the precisous Vietnamese Sub. Now that is one steallar thing that came out of IndoChine. When the French had possession they brought the baguette with them and the Vietnamese filled it with goodness. I'm talking cilantro, satay'd meats, pickled carrots, chili peppers...mmmm....
Both of these items hold a scared place in my heart that must never be forgotten. Ever.
This is really just a post about food because I started WW (weight watchers, for all you novices!) today. I think about food often WW and am looking foward to my mini eating disorder... just kidding but not really. I am really looking foward to being hungry all the time.
4 woot-woots!:
Mmm... i am soooo hungry right now. and now whenever i hear "baguette" i can only think of Flight of the Conchords (have you seen them?)
you're blogging again! i love it! and i can't wait to see you in just a couple weeks!
hahaha. I am on the WW eating disorder now too. I was about to throw in the towel when Kenneth noticed I have less flesh to grab. YES! It's working! I can starve along just fine now!
There are no such places here in the boonies. Maybe we will go in Calgary this Spring.
I am drooling over that sub. It brings back happy Calgary memories.
I love (good) food sooo much. A guy in my ward is making Thai food (for our little NA posse)at his place after church on Sunday. I can't wait.
...and I'm just jealous that I don't have the willpower to have an eating disorder.
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