Dear Michal Scofield and Lincon Burrows,
I finished your first two seasons and enough is enough. Everyone around me wanted me to try you out and I resisted. Hearing the gun shots and the sound of chains from the basement kept me away for a long time and I never should have caved. It has been a week since I finished your latest boxset and all I have to say is "no more"! You are all too mean to each other and too many nice people die and get hurt. It's too much for my lil' heart. And I am all suspensed out, what with the cliff hangers coming every 13 minutes.
I'm healing now. Prison lingo still remains as does the odd outbreak of a southern accent, but I'm trying to stop. I no longer wake up kicking and screaming and thinking I'm about to go to the chair. This is a good thing. I finished out of necessity and husband will fill me in on a need to know basis.
I prefer watching and laughing as I disect layers of humor as par Michael Bluth. It is no fun having to sit through episode after episode with heart racing and blanket over eyes. No thankyou.
2 woot-woots!:
Patience, I know just how you feel, but unlike you. . .the Schofield/Burrows brothers have left a permanent scar upon my heart, and the only way it can be healed is. . . by watching more Prison Break!!
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