11 September 2008


Dear Cute Readers,

Just a lil' poll my friends. Between the two "famous" people pictured below, who would you want to meet? Of course I know you all want to meet Kassie, Leslie, Joee, and Raina, but lets just concentrate on the stars.

Meeting GW was Nov '07 and RJ July '03. After summer '03 I rarely told people I've met RJ, but you know, it's liberating to just put it all out there in the open. And it's a darn good laugh.


3 woot-woots!:

Just Rhonda said...

Really - that man is a star.... eeewwwwww. Meeting GW is pretty cool! :)

Eric said...

Clothed, Ron Jeremy.

Nude, George Bush. But maybe both at the same time if we're all nude. Maybe having a steam or whatnot.

Little Red said...

would they be clothed? or naked?

i stalked you off bekka's blog. hope you don't mind. You look fabtastic!