27 January 2009

January, you are being reviewed.

January? Have you done anything note worthy.... at all??

Hmmm.... lets see....
  • painted our humble home. was hoping for more of a dramatic accent wall but accidently chose a neutral colour a little too close to the accent colour. oh well, still looks nice and warm and i kind of knew this would happen as no matter how many paint swatches or patch tests i try, i know our lights still play games on me that i will never understand. ever. we no longer live 'under the sea', but rather 'in the dead sea'. thanks bunny.
  • switched out the faded denim futon for a nice neutral loveseat. the loveseat is a little too small for dan, but perfect for me and our small space. fits like a glove infact! ha!
  • signed up for my first ever half marathon. june, sisters, seattle. that says it all. i have been working on getting mentally motivated for this event and think i am just about ready to physically train. one thing at a time my friends.
  • celebrated a sisters birthday long distance style. dan and i went out for dinner on her behalf and used one of dan's friends as a pretend sister.
  • realized that i am a crap gym partner for anyone except my husband. don't join my gym and try to get on my schedule. it will suck. we will never meet up at the same time no matter how hard we try.
  • welcomed little baby Georgia via a phone call with a very exhausted sister one hour after she gave birth.
  • relived watching a birthing video on a 55" plasma TV by telling many many people what i saw and how it made me feel. 'flapping in the wind' is not just for flags.
  • took a vow of silence unless speech is work related, towards a certain co-worker after she handed out cupcakes to only the people she likes. i did not get one. i always share my treats. i learned how to do that in kindergarden.
  • took a chilly trip up north to grace my nieces with their uncle dan. and to go to the waterpark. a v. nice visit it was.
  • made homemade bread and realized that i need to learn how to properly shape a loaf. any tips?

January, you done good.

3 woot-woots!:

Kimbo said...

P-Cute who knew you were so funny! I love your thoughts and funny stories. Not a fan of the girl who didn't share at work. Tell here that you have a tall blonde friend who will come whop up on her if she doesn't stop!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing at the flags comment! And boo to cupcake girl. We need to see the new interior design!

Nawana said...

When I was at Margie's she was quite shocked to see me snuggling on her loveseat. No one else can fit on it quite like us ;)