19 November 2013


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Hold the phone y'all, we have a toddler on our hands! Even though I still call him my baby boyfriend (I acknowledge that this is weird, no I don't know what my problem is) he is not a baby anymore. He always wants to 'go-go-go', jump on beds, take baths, climb on things he ought not, and be with cars and trucks. He also enjoys running around and around in circles. I get dizzy watching. And he almost never wants to eat. Kid runs on fumes and this is also why his skinny little butt can't hold up any of his pants. Oh well. 

Today I kissed Dan goodbye and wished him a hot shower on his arrival to the gym locker room at work. Last week he called me from his desk and told me stories of the coldest shower he has ever had in his whole thirty years of life. I guess a memo was sent out the day before but Dan didn't get it. The memo spoke of broken water heaters and plumbing things. Poor guy. It is still pretty nice here in Virginia, but after a crisp bike ride into work a nice hot shower is definitely preferred. Yesterday was a coldish shower so I hope, for his sake, that today is at least lukewarm. Bless his heart for still biking, and also amusing me. 

When you cross your legs how does your top leg sit? I always wish I could be one of those dainty ladies whose top leg tucks neatly behind the bottom leg making you look pretzel like. That is a wish that isn't coming true any time soon. My untamed top leg juts out pretty far and no matter how hard I try, there is no tucking that sucker under my bottom leg. In waiting rooms people often stop to say excuse me so that my leg doesn't trip them as they pass. I always have to be aware of it. I think this must be related to the time my chiropractor told me that women my age are usually 65% more flexible than I am. Sigh. But I stretch! And I exercise! I have thought on this and am quite sure my jutting leg is due to my Eastern European heritage. Short, stalky, and tight. 

There you have it, I'm just blabbing about whatever over here. I'm gonna go call Dan and see how his shower was this morning.

1 woot-woots!:

Eve said...

patience, you are adorable, and you make me laugh all the time. I love you! XO Eve