15 December 2006

I really do love my work even despite the fact that the staff bathroom has now turned into the "doctors only" bathroom (peace be upon them). Putting that to the side this is why I giggled at work today:

I walked into one of the tech rooms and heard "eh" throw around at least 7 times in 3 mintues along with some good short vowel sounds- the all too familiar "oh yeah, eh"...

My office uses SIFI MAV, which is a comptuer screen monitor that projects letters onto a mirror in order to test a patients vision. Now this computer is not as random as the previous ancient ones that look like the original DOS processor. The new monitors pretty much stick to "S N F C R, N E H A R, S Z D U T, A Z E C T, and S F U O V". That last combination (S F U O V) is my favorite because I can't even count how many old grannies have said "F U" to me. From that combination, "F U" seems to be the only 2 letters anyone can ever see. Today 15-87 year olds said "F U" to me. The first time it happened I just about laughed out loud but I didn't as I have to keep that professional persona, you know. Now I'm just keeping track on a scratch piece of paper. I'll let you know when I hit a high.

Bald heads, the Canadian accents, and FU. How much better could work be? . . . probably a lot, like if I had a staff bathroom... but whatever.

0 woot-woots!: