30 January 2007

I Am Average

I have nothing to blog about. My life has taken a rather boring turn...or I'm just to shamed to blog about things that are actually happening. Hmm, that's an interesting way to put it. I am not a gifted writer, I do this because it is a fun way to keep in touch with the fam and friends. I like it though, I just wish I had better skills and better ideas.

I don't really have that many talents. I'm pretty average at everything. Example: at FHE this evening all the super musical people were preforming for us. I didn't want to be left out and at this point nobody had yet to play the piano, which was a suprise because almost all good mormons have to play the piano or they'll kick you out. honest. so I told everyone I had a little number for them all. A little number indeed as the piece lasts about 35 seconds. It's beautiful though in the way the first song you ever learn to play with your hands together is, and is the only piece of music (besides a few chord progressions) I have ever been able to memorize. Well, I played it- I think it's called "around the campfire"- and they loved it, or they sure pretended they did. I explained that putting piano music to memory for me is a complete anomilie and that this song will be with me for the eternities. I remember my piano exam. I worked so hard to memorize the pieces under the direction of my teacher. When I got to the testing site, out came the books. My nerves got me and I just couldn't do it. Mrs. Jardine was so dissapointed but I couldn't help it. I'm just not that good and I'm okay with that.

I don't mind being average. It has taken me a while to be okay with it, and I am. I can't hit the high notes and I have a hard time harmonizing. Sometimes I get really lazy about working out. I don't do well with ball sports and I am not fast at any sport. I'm just an average driver, I don't even know how to do a doughnut and don't really want to learn. I'm okay with just skiing fast on the green and blue runs. Sometimes I don't care about cleaning the bathroom or organizing my junk pile. I'm okay with having 15 mintues to get ready for work in the morning. I can't have long discussions about the history of rock and roll... or any music genra for that matter. I think I was born to be average or below average as I am below average hight of north americans. This is my talent: average. I'm okay with that....

Please do not expect amazing blogs. It's just not going to happen, but I can give you average.

2 woot-woots!:

Eve said...

hey my little poopie-- yoou do have at LEAST one amazing trait- Your Cuteness!! You are the cutest person ever!! Way Above Average!!

Anyhooo...i know how you feel about being average. I used to be so mad at sharks when i would never win any races. However, I also place alot of the blame on Dad for never allowing me to compete on Sundays, but that is besides the point. Oh, did i ever tell you how i didnt even make the volleyball team in 9th grade and audrey corbett did!! I was sooo mad, as i was a really good player. I talked to the coach about it (mr. beare), and he said it was bc the previous year I never went to the games.. which of course were on Sunday. I have so much angst stored up from my youth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways..Just so you know, you're an above average sister :)

leslie said...

I love the part about your magical piano song and I want to hear it so bad.

I'm glad you blogged about it because I was so sad that every time I looked at your blog I saw your anti-happiness post. I mean sure I feel that way all the time too, but I needed something new to look at and now I have that beautiful paragraph about your piano song. thank you!