14 July 06:
Sister Payne steps on to North American soil in San Francisco. Sister Payne is in awe by all the shiny walls and clean carpets; all the clean people with coordinated outfits; all the farang food kiosks; and most of all by foamy soap. Sister Payne goes to the washroom with Sister Binghman in the SF international airport and has a conversation that goes a little like this:
SP (as she despenses FOAMY soap onto her hands which much glee and excitment): "I LOVE FOAMY SOAP!!!" (this was said in a very loud voice)
Stranger (looking at SP as if she is from Mars, not realizing that she has just steped onto farang soil for the first time in 18 months): "ahhh....ya, it's great"
This lady thought I was insane. Perhaps I am, but seeing foamy soap for the first time in months along with a really clean bathroom was just too exciting.
14 July 07:
Patience goes to the Zoo with Sister and her family. It is very hot and Patience is surrounded by many exotic animals, some of which are her favorite (the elephant). There are kids running around all over the place and lots of distractions. Somehow Patience feels like she is back in the Land of Smiles and smiles to herself remembering all her peeps that are close to her heart.
That evening Patience gets into a conversation with Dan that goes like this:
P: "I like to eat hemp seeds on my salad. They are just so good for you and so yummy."
D: "....ummm, I think I'd like to try some...sounds good..." (in a very hesitant kind of way)
P: "what, do you think they are against the Word of Wisdom, because I really don't think they are. I mean, you could grow Pot from them if you wanted but that would be such a hassel..."
D: "...buttt....ummmm"
P: "what, just tell me! I won't be offeneded, just tell me what you are thinking"
D: "okay" (at which point D leans over and plants one right on the lips! P was not expecting this)
Happy One Year Sister Payne
0 woot-woots!:
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