A lot of people say that I am cute, and I agree... well, I agreeded until yesterday at ~ 10:13pm. Here is why...
I was making some last minute cookies for a co-woker at work as it was his last day. I do not personally own a microwave, but there is an ancient beast of a microwave that Bunny and I keep in our "recycling" closet that was left by the last tenant. It is hidious. I pulled it out of the closet and set it up to defrost some butter for the cookies. The microwave had some half peeled protective coating left on it.
My mother is in town right now. She saw the curled pieces of plastic and exclaimed "oh, let me get that for you" with glee in her voice. Then my mom said "I just love to peel stuff".
Now, if I said that it would be considered cute. Well, I think it would be cute. But 30 years down the road, let's face it, it's crazy. I love my mom for her craziness and now I know what I have to look foward to. Crazy, not cute.
2 woot-woots!:
hahaha... i love moms.
hi. i miss the blog love we once shared. are you ever going to blog again?
sniff, sniff.
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