This is my wife, Laura. It is her birthday. Happy birthday Wife. She is in Malta for a birthday week celebration. I wish I was there.
Laura and I met last Spring, around this time actually. I won her over with some of my super-duper chocolate chip cookies. I knew when she showed up at my place for a run wearing the same runners I was, that it would be love. What else could it be, we had THE SAME runners after all.
Some of my favorite memories involve our runs, talks, road trips, rafting adventures, making food for each other and our friends, bonfires, shopping.... and then there was saying goodbye. Yep, that's right. My wife up and left me for a job in Geneva! Ever since I've had a hole in my heart. She stuffed it for awhile when she camped out in my basement suite for a week before the my wedding. But then she left. Gone, again, just like that.
Enough about me and my holy heart, Happy Birthday Laura! I love you!!!
1 woot-woots!:
If she's your wife, and you're my wife...never mind. I don't want to think about it. We all miss Laura. And your cookies ARE super-duper, as well as the souffles.
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