One year ago yesterday was my first date with my lover-boy/husband, Dan. It was Canada Day and he wanted to BBQ for me. I was just finishing up a 12 day cleanse and my diet was v. limited. He mentioned chicken which was a safe choice, however the marinade was not. I took one for the team and off we went! I made some side dishes and we bbq'd in the backyard, ate on a blanket, and I showed him mission pictures from Thailand. I remember thinking how nice it was that this boy just wanted to listen to me talk, it was so refreshing. Afterwards we took in the Canada Day fireworks on the Cresent Road hill and then he took me home. After a few more dates and a kiss 2 weeks later, we were a couple ;). He is the sweetest, cutest, most kind man that I know and I love him dearly.

To celebrate our nations 141st birthday and the year anniversary of our first date we went to this great breakfast/lunch place for some brunch. We had to wait for a freaking long amount of time, but in the end it was worth it. I had the best easy-over, free-range eggs that exist on this side of the Soviet Union. For some reason they were
soooooo tasty. I enjoyed my food v. much and so did husband.
There were also some interesting people at our Brunch site. Lots of people wearing stripes and thick glasses, girls in itsy-bitsy thrift store dresses, and new families. In paticular there was a couple with a new baby that I was interested in. I could not place the ethninticity of the father so I asked Dan to take a look. Did you know that a great way to look at someone when you don't want them to know is to put your hand on your forehead and cover eyes with your fingers looking through the cracks? Then you don't have to give the room that awkward once over! You can just stare and stare, all the while people just think you have a headache!! This was the explanation I heard through my giggles and admiration at the sheer genius of a boy when he was 13. Dan said he learned this in seventh grade and I wonder where the heck was I when he was learing such a useful move? ? After some covert P.I. moves we are pretty sure his origins are from The West Indies.
My baby always knows what I need- time to talk... new P.I. skills... he is always taking such good care of me. Happy first date anniverssary .. xoxo.
0 woot-woots!:
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