22 August 2008

So here it is

I don't even know how to write about my next topic so I am just going to blurt it right out.


Yes, my cute little friends, I'm doing it! I start taking the classes to get certified in early September and then, hopefully, I'll have everything completed by ~ Christmas time or maybe in the new year. This is a v. exciting thing for me. You see, while in University, my sister Eve and I would get up almost every weekday morning for 6am step or spin classes, this lasted for some time. Eve and I were very good at these classes and despite the early start we somehow loved them. I am not saying I'm all hot-to-trot about 6am starts, but I am hot-to-trot about step-up-step-down, perhaps some L-steps, and who can forget the knee-hip-hip-knee... ohhhh... choreography here I come! Am also a fan of hill climbs, flat roads, and clip on shoes (self: get you some of those, pronto!).

So there it is!

3 woot-woots!:

Kimbo said...

Go Patience Go! How exciting. You will be so great. I wish I was up there so I could come to your classes. 6 a.m. you are a brave girl. I don't even see the light of day until 9 :) I can't wait to hear how everything goes and the process of things. Now we just need some pics of you on here wearing your spandex!

leslie said...

awesome!!! will you come be my spin instructor?

Eve said...

Poopie, I am soo proud of you!!! Yippeeee for yoU!!!!! You can start to motivate me since im a big lazy butt these days! Good luck and keep me updated on your progress!