18 August 2008

Sunday Times, part II

I took a three hour nap today... I was tired and it was way hot outside and it was Sunday. Perfect recipe for for a nap. Speaking of recipes, do you know how long it took me to learn to spell that word? 25 years, so I caught on just this year. Go me. Being a product of phonetic spelling and Word kinda made my brain shut off for all that "i before e except after c" stuff. I even remember cheating on a spelling test (and getting caught for it) when I was in grade one. So just this year I committed to memory "r-e-c-i-p-e". It's a tricky one to get down because I always think there ought to be another "e" somewhere in the middle. Now whenever I am Google searching for my latest craving I don't have to click on that annoying "did you mean wholewheat zucchini bread recipe?" It has made my life a whole lot easier. I blame my spelling inability on phonetic spelling and Word, but you know, my two youngest sisters are great spellers, way better than me. Explain that... or don't, it may be better if you don't.

Anyways, I had a Sunday nap and now you all know I don't spell well. I just thought that because it is almost midnight and I cannot sleep maybe I should report on Elder Holland's visit. It was hot. Literally. There were at least 1200-1500 people in that Stake center and I couldn't help but wonder if we were violating a building code. I bet we do it all the time, they just don't put up those maximum occupancy signs so that we think we are not sinning. Hmmm... fire chief? Your thoughts?

Turns out Elder Holland just wanted to come say hi because he is crazy about us, and everything they do, they do it for us. Yes, he quoted Brian Adams and that just makes him even more of a personal favorite. He stated that the church is getting so big, and the leaders want us all to know that they love us and think of us often, and as much as they can they are going to get out and visit with the people. Soon he will be in California doing the same thing and even Dallas. Fun.

Some great nuggets:

"Brian Adams was one of the best exports out of Canada... " (I think those were the exact words)
"He can always find a way to let mercy triumph over justice... for the faith-full"
"... doesn't mean you can't still make a mistake" (talking to the youth and of the importance of being devoted to the gospel)

It was a special meeting and I am so glad I had the opportunity of attending. I needed that nap, because you know, Dan just had to be there so early :) .

2 woot-woots!:

Kimbo said...

All that hype for just a visit ;) They totally faked yall out and us as well. I'm still hoping one of those visits or at conference they're going to announce church is getting cut to just 2 hrs. Wishful thinking for me and my ADD at times. Hey fun post and who knew you were spelling challenged. Also didn't know Bryan Adams was Canadian...I love him!

Diane said...

Dear P-cute. It's true what they say - you really are cute. How are you?