In a semi-chronological order, here are some fun things for you to look at.

PP gets her hair cut by Eve. She loves it.

The hot dog party. No comment.. . it was fun, okay?

Me and the little ones live from Lesser Slave Lake.

Ivy is thinking very hard about that sand castle.

So is Mina.

S'mores for everyone. Especially Mr. Oak.

Mmmmm... lovers...

More lovers...

Weeds can be so pretty.

Sisters + Serinda's zucchini= LOVE

The awesome park above sea level.

Two sisters

Me and Dan after "A Taste of Calgary"
All in all this summer has been great even with Dan in school. Hope you all enjoyed :)
6 woot-woots!:
love the pictures! keep them coming!
Hey wait a minute did Danny boy get a hair cut? He looks like the Dan you fell in love with a year ago.
I think you meant "Me, Dan and his man bag."
I love the pics. Did you get a computer? Anyway, I would love you to email me the one of me and you at the park, the full sized version.
We had so much fun with you guys! Thanks for great summer memories.
Ahhck!! Can't believe you posted pics of my Aunt Jemima doo-rag. I just did that to be weird, it was not meant for the internet!
Root Beer, Baseball bread, Gatorade, chips, processed cheese?!?!?!?! Patience, I really hope you didn't eat that space food. Just don't do it again.
Great pictures - I love your hair! You're adorable, and I hope you and your lover boy are having a fantastic summer! Sassy J
I love the one where the Ivy-Bug is in the foreground, weighing the terror of existence against the horror of non-being. Or something...
You take great pictures, babe!
You and Dan are so cute together! Sisterly love is so great isn't it? I'm sad to see the summer go. It has gone by so quickly. Thanks for sharing the pics :)
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