25 July 2008

It's those litte things that count

After nearly 6 months of marriage I thought it about time to make some room in the bedroom closet for the husband. I even cleaned out my dresser drawers giving him the bottom drawer to store his undies. That's the second little miracle preformed under my name this week and if I were dead I would expect to be cannonized in one more. Forget the paticulars, you can just call me a saint :) .

The days of "honey, I'm just getting dressed in my room.." or my favorite "go to your room!" are coming to a close. Well, as far as shirts and undies go. We can't yet decide how to store his pants, shorts, and accessories. So he can get half dressed in one room and finish up in the next. So far so good.

I can't decide if this is a good thing or not. In the organizational furry, I was forced to put all my non-give-away-sentimental clothes in a box and into the scary storage place under the stiars. Next time I am home, mission, or BYU sick Dan won't know where to find me. I could just tell him I'll be under the stairs wearing multiple layers of clothing covered in cookie crumbs, but that would be too easy.

I also filled a whole extra large garbage bag with clothes for Good Will. It is always such a toss up (literally)... yes they are old and out of style and I haven't worn them for 1 1/2 yrs, but do they have to go? I like to think I have pretty good taste and what if, just what if my childern want some vintage clothing and I have nothing to offer? Sad day.

So husband, I love you as much as closet space and a drawer. That's pretty big if you ask me. xoxo.

2 woot-woots!:

Kimbo said...

Oh this is a great post. Now I'm feeling really guilty. I need to make space for Mike and we are going on three years in separate rooms getting ready. I like to blame it more on the tiny poorly designed places that we have been living at ;)

Julie said...

That is love. Closet space is a premium these days.