P-cute is P-cute for a reason. Ever since I was a little girl, that word, that adjective, has not escaped me. The description has followed me everywhere I go. Complete strangers, mere acquaintances, dear friends, siblings, parents, teachers, companions, bosses, husband, have all used this word on their own accord. No previous reference, no background checks, no nothing. Just cute. There was a time I tried to escape it. I failed, failed in vain. Now, I just try to embrace it, to deal with it, and incoporate it for its goodness. Because really, it is a good thing and I'm okay with it now.
Here are the top 3 definitions of cute:
1. attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty: a cute child; a cute little apartment.
2. affectedly or mincingly pretty or clever; precious: The child has acquired some intolerably cute mannerisms.
3. mentally keen; clever; shrewd.
Now, I'm not trying to toot my own horn, trust me, I am simply explaining.
See, things happen to me that just have no other way of being described. Or is it that I act in ways that have no other description? Chicken before the egg anyone? Anyone...
I do things like get really excited about picking out perfume as a gift for my mum from Woolworths at Christmastime as an 11 year old and tell the lady that "oh no, I don't need it gift wrapped, I have plenty of that stuff at home", in a very serious and very grown-up tone. Or I pay for a t-shirt that identifies birds by their droppings with a literal handful of loonies and toonies when I was 13. How about when I asked a pilot in front of me in line at Starbucks where he was flying to and get all excited when I find out I'm on his plane at age 25. See friends, it just happens.
It even happens when I am doing absolutley nothing cute. For instance, Dan recently took up a retail job at a favorite spot of mine, Banana Republic. It's a temporary thing so while it lasts certain things need to be taken advantage of. I was trying on a few things here and there, this and that, got some merch, tried out some fragrance and got going. I learn later that 5 employees, on their own accord, and at separate times tell Dan "gosh, your wife is so cute and adorable", "the cutest girl I've ever met", blah blah blah. See I do nothing and it just happens.
So now we have P-Cute. .. and I will be here for awhile.
5 woot-woots!:
I think it's the power combination of your petite body, your funny personality, and your smile that makes you the ultimate cute little thing for me. From the moment I met you I wanted to tuck you into my pocket and make you my friend forever. Your life is rough, but someone has to live it and I'm glad it's you :) I miss my little cute buddy! Loves
I got cute yesterday with my scrubs, mask, goggles, and ugly white nurse shoes on! Also some girl I don't know at church just came up to me to tell me I'm cute. It's a burden we must carry.
poopie- you are by far the cutest of the payne girls. Almost cuter than mina and shes 2! i admit I've always been a little jealous of your cuteness. I think the cute factor is really because of your button nose- adorable!!
The button nose is very cute, but I believe that the corncob pipe puts you over the top. (Do you guys have Frosty the Snowman jokes in the Great White North?)
Der. You ARE cute. I am an eye-witness.
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