02 December 2008

Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins

I keep wanting everyone to update their blogs everyday so that I have something new and fresh to read about people that I like. . . because reading strangers blogs isn't as fun as it sounds. They all have these kids that they write about that I could care less about and say lots of stuff that just bugs me. Like this one girl who went on and on about how Facebook is such a lame site and how she never checks her profile. Well, when she did she was so suprised at the people who update their status often. And I'm like, shut down your stupid Facebook account then because we don't want people like you anyways. So, this is a plea for all the cute people I know to update. And please do so at least 2-3 times weekly. Thanks. (I'll try as well)

Now, onto P-Cute. I am trying my hand at Christmas baking this year. I have some cute ideas for the packaging of the goodies, and some good recipes to try out. Today, I am rolling my truffles into misshapen balls and then dusting some with cocoa and some with roasted hazelnuts. I may also get going on the buttertarts. Ambitious... I know.

What is a buttertart? my yankee friends ask. It's a tart with a buttery filling, like unto pecan pie. We CDNs love our tarts, either form even! As to not mix you up, let's get a visual on the kind of tart I'm talking about:

Behold the great Canadian Butter Tart. It deserves capitalization from now on.

So, we'll see how this all works out. If nothing else, the packaging will be a sight to behold. I may or may not post my very own pictures of it. I was almost swayed not to do Christmas baking due to first-hand tales of eating too much while baking and being disgruntled when it gets thrown away by loved ones who recieve the gift. But I am putting those thoughts behind me and pushing foward! Onward pioneer, onward! To the Tarts! To the truffles! To the shortbread! I do not, afterall, want to smell like beef and cheese this Christmas season.

2 woot-woots!:

Nawana said...

We both made butter tarts on the same night! Mine came out very very tasty. Even dangerously so.

Bekah said...

Mmmmm...recipes please. I heart truffles. very much.