10 April 2013


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You may think those are the cherry blossoms people are always social media-ing about in this neck of the woods, but they're not. They are, however, the popcorn trees in the Target parking lot.

We ventured into DC from the comforts of our suburb on Sunday, but sadly the blooms were just little babies. The Internet, who I trust emphatically, failed me! Internet told me it was 'peak bloom' and Internet lied. Such deceit. Besides our $30 parking ticket, no blooms, and crazy traffic we had a pretty good time- I think it was the people we were with. Next year though, we may just have our picnic lunch in the Target parking lot when these guys are in full bloom. Not only is there terrific parking, I'll be able to peak in now and then to see how far along the blossoms are without having to rely on Internet. I mean, I know the ones in DC are special and I have seen them in full bloom in the past and they are beautiful, but these ones are no slouch. DC Cherry Blossoms, Target Popcorn Trees- same same. I've been telling people for years that if they miss the blooms along the Tidal Basin to go check out these babies and they will feel just as satisfied. And I shall continue to tell my story!

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0 woot-woots!: