14 April 2013

Spring Lovin'

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The last picture I took on our most awesome weekend ever. Spring is in the air people and we are loving it. When on the East Coast it is very important to soak up as much mild spring weather as possible before the humidity kicks in. Humidity is no joke. Can I get an amen?! Therefore this week will consist of picnic dinners in the park (come join us!), and being outside all day, and parks, and walks. That humidity will probably kick in next week (boo) so we'll live it up while we can.

Spring always reminds me of Bambi. All the baby animals and all the twitterpated-ness. Ahhhh! I mean, I love my husband- we are 5 years and counting, we keep things fresh... but that new love, it only happens once. To be twitterpated! That first little while when you can't wait to see him, you want to be with him all the live long day, you can't wait for his touch because it feels like electricity. For this reason I've been suggesting to Dan that we break up so we can do that first bit all over again. Just today he didn't put something back where it belonged and I said that's it, we are breaking up and you can sleep in the car! It's all kind of exciting because I could be starting a new spring relationship tomorrow complete with twitterpation- anyone wanna babysit Jude, if you know what I mean :)?

0 woot-woots!: