26 July 2013


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at the park this morning sitting on the bench, as he does

Hello, hello! What's this, two posts in ONE week. I must be taking crazy pills. I thought I would take a few paragraphs or so to ramble on about mostly nothing. And first on that list will be East Coast living. It is kind of a pain in the you know what. Living on the East Coast while having lots of West Coast connections is like being elderly before your time. I feel like all my West Coast people are continually sleeping in and staying up late and it just isn't fair. And it's boring. And I get a lot of calls at about, um, midnight from sisters and well wishers. I am a geriatric in bed already so they go to voice mail, but also my voicemail isn't working right now so don't leave one, fyi. Totally boring. I will always be jealous of my West Coast people. Party animals.

Today Jude and I had a delightful morning at Theater In The Woods. It was so cute! We were a little late to the play but still had a marvelous time. Jude was surprisingly attentive. The only thing that seemed to pull him this way or that was the sound of planes overhead. That kid, he lives for planes. He now points at them and then waves 'bye-bye'. He especially liked the clapping parts of the play because if there is anything Jude can do well, it is clapping. We will for sure go back. Such a nice morning! 

Then to kill some time before his nap while spending the least amount of $$ as possible we stopped in at the GoodWill. One of my favorite places. He always wants to play on The Island of Misfit Toys though. That's what we like to call the thrift store toy area. It's kind of gross but if I don't have him in a cart I can't stop him. This point has been reached! Life will never be the same. So he plays with the misfit toys now and looooves it. Then I bathe him in Purelle to keep the Hepatitis at bay.  So gross.

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I almost bought him this little car but then my more sensible side stepped in and stopped me. Because where the eff am I gonna put that thing? Without a backyard that thing would be so annoying to haul around all the time. And it does have Hepatitis on it so I obviously don't want it in my house all the live long day either. He sure is making a cute face though. Awe, maybe I should have got it for him? He does have his shots, after all.

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend and I wish I was right there with you, you party animals. 

1 woot-woots!:

Unknown said...

you are funny! xx