23 July 2013

Dances With Wolves

Not last Friday but the Friday before Dan and I had somewhat of a disagreement. Well, one thing was said and then another and by the end of it there were some hurt feelings. Ooops. My mouth just gets away from me sometimes. And you know how it is when your feelings are hurt. Depending on how deep sometimes it can take a little while longer to bounce back to your normal self and your normal communication. I had said my sorry's and I meant them and Dan was simply dragging his feet in the 'I love Patience' department. Finally on Saturday night I just had to say it. Just like Chief Ten Bears I had to tell Dan that his mourning period was over. Stands With A Fist was done being sad! Since then if one of us doesn't get their way or whatever it is, the other will chirp in 'you're done mourning!'. Makes us laugh every time. And then unrelated but some what related is the fact that my hair is pretty much a doppelganger for the hair of Stands With A Fist. See, I've been doing this air dry thing and I have some natural wave going on. I find it a little unmanageable on the first day but by the second day it seems to calm down a bit and the resemblance lessens, thank the powers that be.

0 woot-woots!: