22 February 2015

3 Weeks Left!

Jude is really cute.

Walking all the way to the complex dumpster 9 months pregnant with an empty DiGiorno pepperoni frozen pizza box for recycling is pretty much the worst walk of shame I've ever been on. Don't look at me!! I try not to eat crap but you know, it happens. With all the snow in these parts there were a lot of people in the parking lot digging out their cars this morning... just looking at me... with their eyes... staring at my pizza box. Oh the shame. Last night it was cold and dark and the snow wasn't stopping. Instead of keeping warm in bed like we should have been doing (it's just so awkward these days for that (I'm so pregnant)) we popped a frozen pizza in the oven and started 'Boyhood' in preparation for this evening's Oscars. I guess there could be worse walks of shame, or maybe not. I'm trying to forget about it. When I got to the dumpster though there were like a million packages of empty razor starter kits, which I thought was pretty weird. How many people are you shaving anyway? And all at once? I don't get it. So maybe that person felt the walk of shame too. Maybe I'm not alone.

I was kept up last night with memories of bringing Jude home from the hospital. Those first few months of nursing all night long, forgetting to brush my teeth, being sustained mostly by PBJs.... oh it's gonna start all over again. Someone give me a 6 month old! Or perhaps just a night nurse. I'd take that actually. Can you even imagine?!! Oh, to be the 1%, and to maybe have some family around. Waaaaaaaaaahh. 

What else? We are just organizing and prepping for this little girl. Cleaning out closets, stocking the freezer, buying all the onesies, deciding what to spend my Target gift cards on, and going over my positive affirmations to get my mind ready for labor. I tried hypno-birthing last time and those ladies are just high, I decided. I have a few more things I want to sew but the material I want is never on sale and all those stupid coupons don't work for what I want. Seriously, Michaels and Jo-Ann's Fabric, just stop with the coupons. Price your merchandise at coupon price for the love because it is such a pain in the ass to wait for your stupid coupons in the mail or on your phone. Does the coupon marketing really work that well for your company? When I'm pregnant I just don't hold back, Dan likes to remark. 

0 woot-woots!: