06 February 2015


The main thing about being this pregnant is my aim. Just the other night Dan was lounging in our bed talking to me and I thought, how about I go in for a cuddle? So I take aim and then fall back only to miscalculate all together, landing roughly on his abdomen causing him to yelp. Then we both laughed at my pregnancy induced clumsiness. I take aim and I try, but calculating this much mass on a body that is not used to it is actually quite difficult. Good thing the uterus is so protective or else this poor child would come out a little black and blue, I'm sure. I feel like a missile whose coordinates were entered incorrectly and who knows where on God's green earth it's gonna land. Your guess is as good as mine! Watch out friends, I'm a little wobbly and rough around the edges and you could be my next victim. 

What else. We have been sick sick sick this past week. It started with Jude getting some super stomach bug that caused disgustingness for almost 5 days. For the love. Then I got it and it only lasted about a day for me. Dan still has not fallen ill to it and I'm hoping he doesn't because we have an early Valentines/Anniversary date tomorrow morning at a quaint little all-you-can-eat brunch place in DC that I've been looking forward to since I started medicating my heart burn. Hold those cookies down Dan, at least until Sunday. 

Jude of course is still really cute. He is almost THREE years old. He talks and talks and loves to ask "why?" all day long. My tactic with this is to ask why back to him and it's fun to see what answers he comes up with. He graduated to a Big Boy Bed last week and is loving it. He takes great pride getting into bed and out of bed himself. If we help him it ends in tears and he has to start all over again. He's really into Paw Patrol these days and has requested that theme for his birthday when previously he wanted Batman. Batman is so much easier. Ghaaah. He listens to everything and then repeats it or asks what it means. Jude is still our little cuddle bug and gets giddy if we let him cuddle in bed with us in the mornings, especially if his Dad is still home.  Jude loves to hear stories about his uncles and could play pretend all day long with you if you have the patience. His memory rivals his fathers and he is constantly telling us about things that happened a year ago. It's freaky. And you know, he is just a great little guy and we love him so much it hurts is about it. 

0 woot-woots!: