15 February 2013

Friday Love

Another week, another weekend! Did you guys enjoy Valentines day as much as we did? Jude and I spent the morning perfecting my Adele Pandora radio station and pleasantly enjoyed the results as that super smart internet radio station played only songs I like. Seriously, Pandora baffles me. It is so FREAKING smart. It always knows what I want next. The Adele station played sweet love songs and I couldn't help but dance around the living room with Jude. Incredibly cheesy, yes, and this little boy loved it. I like to think I am correctly aiming him on the path of cheese for life. Not a bad path, child. We shall continue our efforts both figuratively and literally.

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I am in love with his little face in this picture. Jude is the best. What more can I say?

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On our Valentines Day walk I picked up a balloon for Jude. As soon as he saw it he started grunting, pointing, and waving his arms. He kind of loves balloons. He held it in his paw and refused to let go even for lunch. Maybe I should have taken it from him? Who knows.

We did the usual for the day of love. Flowers, a nice dinner, chocolates, cards, dot dot dot. This year I made some chocolate dipped strawberries and they were amazing and easy. I have declared it a family tradition. Chocolate dipped strawberries for all! I used to think they were gross which is why I have never done them before. But now I love them. We shall revisit them next year to make sure I am still a fan.

Dan and I are looking to go somewhere. Probably a driving vacation to somewhere near due to boring things like a budget. Yawn. It will still be lots of fun though as there are some really neat things to visit in this area. I suggested that maybe we should save up our tithing for a few months and use it for a Church History tour. I really think the church would totally love to send us on a history tour with our tithing monies. This idea kind of feels like divine inspiration, actually. And if the Church History tour just happened to turn into a few spring days in New York City I think that would be okay too. The Spirit tells me these things. Dan doesn't think it would be okay though. Did I not marry the most boring man ever? How I even get through the days is a mystery sometimes.

Anyways, have a great weekend everybody and I hope you all have lots of love in your lives. Love, love, love.

2 woot-woots!:

Mindy said...

You kill me with some of the things you say on this blog. Seriously, you are HILARIOUS!!!!! Can I come to DC and visit you?

Patience said...

of course you can come visit! i love it when people can laugh at/with my blog :).