28 May 2013

A mildly depressing post about our weekend.

Really, we had a nice long weekend I just haven't the photographs to prove it. Having to remember to take pictures of everything all the time is kind of not the funnest thing for me. I like having pictures of my family and friends and events, but sometimes I also like to have a picture in my memory. I want to remember it how I want to, you know, without reality getting in the way. Like how we went on another beautiful walk along the W&OD trail and then turned on to the grounds of a/the (not sure) Fanny Mae building. The landscaping was beautiful but the walk ways were covered in lots and lots of fresh goose shiz. Yuck. So besides the fact that I just now wrote about it I'm choosing to forget about it and also that it is on the stroller wheels. My memory picture will not include such refuse. It will include, however, the intoxicating smell of the wild Jasmine that grows along the leg of the trail we walked. Oh yum. That smell, it does wonders.

Truth be told long weekends and holidays have always been hard for me out here. We were so lucky to get together with some good friends who are here for a little while for work, which saved my day. I know lots of people live like this, away from any family whatsoever, and gosh is it ever depressing sometimes. A long weekend is great because it means more family time and though Dan and Jude really are smashing company I always get a little depressed wanting more. Especially now that we have Jude, I want everyone to adore him like we do and I want to adore all the little people in my life even more. I want to have them playing together and running amuck however much possible. That's what long weekends should be used for, if you ask me. So family, I miss you. Especially on long weekends. They kind of suck without you, even with the wild Jasmine. In my memories picture I am painting you all in.

Jude also reached a milestone over the weekend. His first real injury. Poor little guy fell smack dab on his little face and tore his frenum clear off his gums accompanied by a juicy fat lip. Oh that poor doll. It happened at church, Dan was with him and he just tripped like kids do. A friend came and got me as Dan was busy being bled on by a screaming Jude and did my heart ever stop as the story was recounted. Worst. Feeling. Ever. (for everyone involved, really) Alright, that's it, I'm going to stop depressing everyone right here and now. Today was better for everyone though, somehow we'll survive. Chins up!

0 woot-woots!: