03 June 2013

Blurry Days

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My BIL, via my sisters Instagram, commented that Jude is growing up all blurry. And he's right. This dang kid is almost never sitting still. Maybe it is a little fitting as well because we all know just how fast time flies when you have kids. Pretty blurry if I do say so myself. And I post the best ones of the series! I read somewhere about someone who takes videos of her kids and then does a screen shot to capture the best image. I tried that and it takes forever, or, my fingers are too clumsy and stubby to actually press all those buttons at exactly the right time. Headache is all that is. So here is my blurry baby boy, once again. He will stay still for a few minutes if I put snacks out for him on his perch in the kitchen. Sometimes he will stay there for minutes on end pointing at the planes in the sky and the dogs that walk by. I always try to time it so he is at his perch when Dan pulls up on his bike from work. Jude especially loves that. He holds on to the ledge and stomps his feet with glee. It is pretty cute.

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Jude will also stay still (and whine and grunt) when he gets stuck in the toy bin. He goes after certain toys and sometimes they are at the bottom. He almost always gets stuck during this endeavor. It makes us laugh so hard. Kids are so funny. Granted I only have one 14 month old child and after working full time for almost 6 years I feel like I'm on vacation 24/7, so my opinion might come from a different place than yours, but having a kid is way better than I thought it would be. If only he would stop making everything so blurry.

And oh! Jude is up! He's singing his songs beckoning me to come get him. We have to go run around suburbia getting things done before he and I head out west for 2 weeks of cousin time. If little Lucy has anything to do with it Jude is going to return a rascal :).

0 woot-woots!: