02 April 2007

No Spaces

Again, I have to apologize to the masses for not posting over the past fortnight. Sorry about that. Sometimes I just get into writing ruts... I guess that excuse will have to do. I stilll have not responded that one comment on my last entry about the enter key. I think I win for best comment ever on a blog. I must take that man up on his offer because this enter key continues to haunt my dreams. Infact, for this whole entry, I am not pushing enter. So here is an update of what has been going on: last weekend I got to go to Utah for an early mission reunion and to frolic with my girls Andrea and Marjie; Diane and Leslie. It was so much fun and so nice to get away for a weekend. There is nothing like good friends to put a smile on your face. This past weekend was interesting to say the least. Friday night we had a Thai party at my friend Matt's place. He is a good friend from BYU that lives out in Cochrane for the time being. He has this massive, amazing house. We invited about 20 people and had a blast. Matt was incharge of inviting the boys and me the girls. Almost all the girls I invited came from my visiting teaching pool. I just love the VTing program. I have made some dear friends through our monthly visits where we mostly just talk about boys. hee hee. We also pray and stuff like that too. After dinner some of us went outside and some stayed inside. I went outside to the bonfire where Matt and Russell played some sweet Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews on the guitar. Saturday and Sunday were conference. Besides having a traumatic DTR with he who shall not be named (although you all know who I'm talking about) conference was great. This week is my re-coup week from all the emotion that was flung around Sunday afternoon. I am really looking foward to Spokane this weekend with the sisters, parents, and the children of the corn. Okay, there is the update. Next entry will be witty. xoxo pp

1 woot-woots!:

leslie said...

Thai parties, trauma, weekend getaways, computer problems; all in one long paragraph. I love it! That is how life really is. Life doesn't let you take the time to press the enter key, so why should our blog posts? If blogging is our art, let our art imitate life. [I'll send you a more personal note in an email or something. I love you!]